I'm going to give you the quick version here. I like to write for no other reason than to put in black and white what is muddled in my head, and if you are interested you can check that out below the picture.
Saturday August 4th, the shop will open at 1pm so that we can all attend a very special Zumba event that morning.
I am hosting a Zumba Master Class, which basically means I have invited a big time Zumba "higher-upper" to come to Door County and lead us all in a 90 minute Zumba class that will leave you energized and HAPPY!
ZIN (Zumba Instructor Network) Jammer (makes up and teaches Zumba choreography to "we" regular instructors) Victor Nino will be leading an easy to follow, high energy, just plain old good time Zumba class.
Saturday, August 4th from 10:00am to 11:30am.
Gibrlatar High School Gym in Fish Creek.
10.00 per person, at the door.
Kids 12 and under are free:) (bring em!)
Please show up a little early to register.
Now, back to my brain.
First of all, check out that grin. Honestly, that's what he looks like.
I took a "Jammer"class from him, and was totally inspired by not only his dancing and motivating skills, but also his graciousness.
Want a lesson in just that? Come to the Zumba class.
The real deal about Victor is he's just a regular person like you or me... with a special gift and I don't want to make him out to be something he's not, but his talent is undeniable.
There's this cheesy phrase that the Zumba community uses... "Zumba Love".
Not all instructors get it, but many do... I have been on the receiving end and the giving end.
It's pretty much a feeling of "can you believe we get to have this much fun, and share it with others? You are an awesome teacher! Would you share that routine? What can I do for you? Welcome to my class, Zumba Instructor, we've never met but here's a big hug for you. My class finally learned this routine and look at them go!!!". Connecting with Victor has been the same. He is more than generous in his coming to DC, and helping me share that "Zumba Love".
This has been a really happy experience for me, and I just want to share it with you.
Can't dance... doesn't matter.
Two left feet.... doesn't matter.
Out of shape, overweight.... doesn't matter.
Fit beyond belief... doesn't matter.
Professional dancer... doesn't matter.
Worried about you age....doesn't matter.
Full of yourself... doesn't matter.
Second guessing yourself.... don't.
Think someone will be watching you? They won't.
Think Victor or I will be watching you? We won't
Our goal is to give you a dance party... a good... FABULOUS time... and the side effect is fitness.
Okay, come on! Let's dance!!!
Join us.