Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A New Kind of Event, And You Are Invited!

I'm going to give you the quick version here.  I like to write for no other reason than to put in black and white what is muddled in my head, and if you are interested you can check that out below the picture.
Saturday August 4th, the shop will open at 1pm so that we can all attend a very special Zumba event that morning.
I am hosting a Zumba Master Class, which basically means I have invited a big time Zumba "higher-upper" to come to Door County and lead us all in a 90 minute Zumba class that will leave you energized and HAPPY!
ZIN (Zumba Instructor Network) Jammer (makes up and teaches Zumba choreography to "we" regular instructors) Victor Nino will be leading an easy to follow, high energy, just plain old good time Zumba class.
Saturday, August 4th from 10:00am to 11:30am.
Gibrlatar High School Gym in Fish Creek.
10.00 per person, at the door.
Kids 12 and under are free:)  (bring em!)
Please show up a little early to register.
Now, back to my brain. 
First of all, check out that grin.  Honestly, that's what he looks like.
I took a "Jammer"class from him, and was totally inspired by not only his dancing and motivating skills, but also his graciousness.
 Want a lesson in just that?  Come to the Zumba class.
The real deal about Victor is he's just a regular person like you or me... with a special gift and I don't want to make him out to be something he's not, but his talent is undeniable.
There's this cheesy phrase that the Zumba community uses... "Zumba Love".
Not all instructors get it, but many do... I have been on the receiving end and the giving end.
It's pretty much a feeling of "can you believe we get to have this much fun, and share it with others?  You are an awesome teacher!  Would you share that routine? What can I do for you?  Welcome to my class, Zumba Instructor, we've never met but here's a big hug for you.  My class finally learned this routine and look at them go!!!".  Connecting with Victor has been the same.  He is more than generous in his coming to DC, and helping me share that "Zumba Love".
This has been a really happy experience for me, and I just want to share it with you.
Can't dance... doesn't matter.
Two left feet.... doesn't matter.
Out of shape, overweight.... doesn't matter.
Fit beyond belief... doesn't matter.
Professional dancer... doesn't matter.
Worried about you age....doesn't matter.
Full of yourself... doesn't matter.
Second guessing yourself.... don't.

Think someone will be watching you?  They won't.
Think Victor or I will be watching you? We won't
 Our goal is to give you a dance party... a good... FABULOUS time... and the side effect is fitness. 
Okay, come on!  Let's dance!!!
Join us.




Friday, July 20, 2012

Viva's Vintage Market Photos

 I love this picture of Carol, Jeanine and I, and I don't like pics of me AT ALL.
 I loved Martha and all her goodies... I scored a fabulous blue and red wicker table from her, just for me.
 Loved Anne!  She is a little spitfire of a gal, and warm as all get out.  I doubt she's ever met a stranger, and I scored two large white suitcses from her!
 Katie truly has the gift of display... I've hired her to do just that in my own shop, and yes I took all the credit.  (not really)
 Carol had a true vintage tent!  All of her items were displayed in and around, it was a real eye catcher.
Below are links to see other images, and get to know the vendor in a better way.
Jeanine from Chippy Shabby took most of these pictures, BTW!
OpendoorStudio... on face book.

Will post others as time goes by!

Thanks to all the participants whether buying or selling, you always make it a lovely day!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Bring it on!!!!

Honestly, Saturday cannot get here soon enough!
I am also excited for you to meet some of the new vendors we have this year.
Something for everyone, I'm certain of that.
I just read Jeanine of Chippy Shabby's blog... she's packed and ready to roll, but almost forgot her tent!
Katie of Small Town Vintage has told me she is bringing a very new look to her booth this year.
And Carol, (who works at the shop) as I discovered late this afternoon has been stashing things under beds and tables for Saturday's show!  And yes I did rifle through them.
So sue me.
Okay, see you Saturday.... and yes you are welcome to line up early, but NO EARLY BIRDS!!!!!


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Vintage Market, Lots of "Lasts" Except For One.

Lots of lasts.
The last of going to market during winter.
The last Memorial Day Weekend rush that is so needed to help pay bills from the winter.
The last June where we cry all day and wonder where all the customers have gone.
The last shock of July 4th when we can't turn left onto any road due to all the tourists, and the last of watching my July bank account fill back up.
The last of lots of "Carols" as well.
We also have lots of personal "lasts" coming up.  As for me and my family we've hit a spot where a lot of letting go has to be done to get to that bright shiny spot we need to be in.  We're all healthy, and no need to feel sorry for us, some change in the winds.... I'll save that for another time, and I'm sure you will nod your head and say "yes" we've been through that.

However, there is one "Last" that won't happen.
Viva's Vintage Market.
Yesssssss.  My favorite thing.  FAVORITE.
While I thought I would be so organized with cards in hand to pass out about where our market will be next year, it has not been that easy!  
Several locations have been scouted, and frankly I have not been able to decide on one.
So, forget about it.
This Saturday is the real deal... and over the winter I will mount a campaign strictly devoted to the Vintage Market, and you will have no questions!
So, here we go!
See you Saturday.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th! 10 more days...

Happy 4th Everyone!!!
The county is bustling with parades, fireworks... and heat!
I'm actually itching to get out of the shop today.  It's days like these when I wish I was the tourist!
Ten days away from the Market.
Catherine of Found Images will be back with her fabulous retro printed lampshades, bags and more!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Viva's Vintage Market Countdown!

Twelve days from today!
I can hardly wait as this happens to be my favorite event of the season.
As most of you know we are closing our brick and mortar, but the Vintage Market will go on!
We have almost nailed down the details for the locale in 2013, so stay tuned.