Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I'd Like to Thank the Academy...

That last post sounded like my speech for receiving an Oscar. I practiced it over and over in front of the mirror with a hair brush in my hand... I really want to thank all the little people that made me so fabulous!!!
I have to admit, I have a serious case of the "post wedding decorating" blues. Not only that, while our season isn't over, it is that time of year when the week days get really quiet, kids are all going back to school and frankly, I've got a bad case of the ho-hums, or maybe I should say a bad case of not knowing what to do next.

It's not like there isn't anything to do... our holiday event it coming up in October, the shop needs fall decorations, and I should be ordering away.
Oh well, I'm off to work and usually when I open the front door, the smell and lightness cheer me right back up.

Ah, look! There it is in action!
Okay, make it a great day everyone!

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